At Balozy, We Embrace Integrity, Transparency, and Safety in our dealings. No shortcuts!
Reviews and ratings are earned and NOT GIVEN. Learn more>>At Balozy
This enables businesses and homeowners to thrive by hiring the best talents in the field. In return, service providers grow their business genuinely, without shortcuts.
Balozy is your go-to platform that helps you to get the best an value for your money without regrets.
Learn about our Trust & safety. Balozy user guidelines
Pros Levels
Pros who deliver high quality work and maintain strong ratings can earn new levels of status that provide additional benefits. Learn more>>
After a pro completes a Gig, Homeowners can rate their experience with the service providers. These reviews help new clients to make informed decisions before hiring a service provider on Balozy app.
Full transparency. Service providers can also leave feedback on their interaction with homeowners and businesses, and share their work experience for all to see.
Data protection is key to supporting homeowners’ and service providers’ success. Therefore, we incorporate security into our products and operations. Data is encrypted in transit, and you can always request that data be deleted. Our terms of services
Balozy is committed to protecting your privacy through our product, infrastructure, and data governance. This happens 24/7. Our privacy policy
We adhere to national, regional, and industry regulations to help you meet compliance standards in what you do.
We will not share any information you provide with anyone. If you’re running into any security vulnerabilities with Balozy, let us know.
Balozy carefully vets every professional signing up on the app, ensuring you are only connected with high-quality service providers.
You can rest assured that the people you hire are trustworthy and reliable. Learn more>>